Some jerkoff kid is suing to get his butt mauled by professional linebackers. The NFL has a rule that you have to be three years removed from high school graduation to get drafted. This winner is only 1.5. Of course he's the exception. Of course he is.
With the caveat that labor law ain't my thing, I'd like to say that I like Dennis Kucinich's chances for the Presidency better than I like this kid's before, eventually, the Supreme Court. The league is a private entity, isn't a monopoly, is set up as a single institution with 32 subsets (show me the anti-trust violation), and has a good reason for the rule: Broken kids do not prime-time viewing make.
Can this yutz and his ethically challenged enterprising attorney find a Federal District Court Judge to agree with them? Kids, I'd be surprised if they couldn't find a Federal District Court Judge who's willing to issue a writ of mandamus ordering the President to bow before our dolphin masters. (An Article III appointment does funny things to a man.) The real question is whether the oft-reversed Second Circuit goes in for the flim-flam and gets, well, reversed, or they nip it in the bud on the first round of appeals.
22 September 2003
1:54:00 PM
by Thomas H. Crown
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart no longer "a rapper."
Star Trek II no longer considered a "chick flick."